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Variations on Hot Cross Buns and Easter Fare

Cranberry and Orange hot cross buns, chocolate Easter cake and Simnel buns

Hot Cross bus are traditionally made to be served on Good Friday. The story  goes that the  first buns were made by a 14th century monk who then distributed them to the poor  on Good Friday. So it really bothers me is to see these sweet and spicy buns on sale at Christmas. The story also goes that Queen…
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A quieter Christmas with my new hip

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas I have been planning this Christmas for some time  – ever since I was offered a date for a new replacement hip in early December and realised that I would be a tad out of action in the kitchen. And a  new hip is a wonderful Christmas present….
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With Beryl's Cranberry and Orange Relish and Nigella's Pumpkin Cheesecake

It is something about the fact that Thanksgiving is purely about the thanks and the receiving and enjoying  food, about the gathering as a family for the meal that it so appeals to me and I envy the Americans having such a holiday to celebrate. There is none of the commercialism to be found (I…
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