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Tag Archives: chutney


I have been somewhat idle this summer and for various reasons have glossed over the abundance of fruits and vegetables growing in gardens or displayed on stalls. However, recently I was offered a  bag of mixed eaters and cookers apples and I pondered on how best to use them. Whether to make an all apple…
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AUBERGINE – a versatile food

 Aubergine – A food by many names What a a profusion of  names have been given to this beautiful and shiny food. It is known as the aubergine in Europe, eggplant in the USA and Australia and the Anglo Indian name of Brinjal is also used by South Africans,  Asians  and West Indians. Other names for the…
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If there is just one MUST DO OUTING to enjoy with your children in the summer holidays it is to go blackberrying. By the end of August the hedgerows will be heaving with dark shiny berries and I cannot wait to collect them and then sit back and enjoy a plain bowlful. And then some for puddings, cheesecakes…
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Cherry Time

It is another bumper year for cherries and I am glad to have so many ways of enjoying them. Sadly my neighbour with the abundant morello cherry tree, who supplied me so well last year, has just moved house. The newcomers have delayed moving in, so I have not met them yet let alone become on cherry…
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